Exporting the events and the event data.

Event export

The detected events and the associated waveform data can be exported to machine readable data files for further analyses.

On this page

The events and detections saved in the psysmon database can be exported to a CSV file for further data analysis. Additionally, psysmon supports the export of the waveform data of the events.

Create the output directories

For the event export you should create two output directories in the tutorial directory structure: event_list and event_data

stefan@hausmeister:~/tutorial$ cd psysmon_output
stefan@hausmeister:~/tutorial/psysmon_output$ mkdir event_list
stefan@hausmeister:~/tutorial/psysmon_output$ mkdir event_data
stefan@hausmeister:~/tutorial/psysmon_output$ tree -L 1
├── availability
├── event_data
├── event_list
├── ppsd
├── psd_data
└── psd_images

6 directories, 0 files

Export the event lists

To export the event lists, first create a new collection named export and add the export events collection node. The export events node creates a list of events and a list of the related detections for a selected time span.

The export collection with the export events collection node.
The export collection with the export events collection node.

Configure the export events node

Open the export events preferences dialog and edit the settings.


Select the whole time span of the tutorial data set and the tutorial event catalog to export.

parameter value
start time 2018-10-25T00:00:00
end time 2018-11-02T00:00:00
event catalog tutorial
select individual events unchecked
The events page of the export events preferences dialog.
The events page of the export events preferences dialog.


Leave the filter settings unchanged.

The filter page of the export events preferences dialog.
The filter page of the export events preferences dialog.


Select the event_list folder created above and whole for the output interval. The output interval determines the splitting of the output to individual files. Using whole will create one file for all events and detections.

The output page of the export events preferences dialog.
The output page of the export events preferences dialog.

Close the preferences dialog.

Export the events to CSV files

Click the execute button to run the collection. The CSV files of the event- and detection list will be created in the specified output directory.

stefan@hausmeister:~/tutorial/psysmon_output$ cd event_list
stefan@hausmeister:~/tutorial/psysmon_output/event_list$ tree -l 3
3 [error opening dir]

0 directories, 0 files
stefan@hausmeister:~/tutorial/psysmon_output/event_list$ tree -L 3
└── smi-mr.sm-psysmon-tutorial-export_20220813_180049_119650-export_events
    ├── detection
    │   └── detection_20181025T000000_20181102T000000.csv
    ├── event
    │   └── event_20181025T000000_20181102T000000.csv
    └── execution_metadata.json

3 directories, 3 files

Event list example

The following listing gives the first few lines of the exported event list.


Detection list example

The following listing gives the first few lines of the exported detection list.


Exporting the event waveform

The looper collection node export waveform data provides the export of data of a given time span. The data can be exported in a format supported by obspy. Additionally, images of the waveforms will be created.

To export the event waveform data the event looper is used. This looper iterates through a list of events specified in the preferences. The processing stack child node is added to detrend the data before exporting it using the export waveform data child node.

Add the event looper

Disable the export events node in the export collection and at the event looper and the child nodes processing stack and export waveform data.

The export collection with the event looper and the needed child nodes.
The export collection with the event looper and the needed child nodes.

Configure the event looper

Open the event looper preferences and set the following preferences. We will set the preferences to export the events from 2018-10-25T22:00:00 to 2018-10-25T23:00:00 from the tutorial event catalog. The event data should be exported to the event_data directory created above.


parameter value
start time 2018-10-25T22:00:00
end time 2018-10-25T23:00:00
event catalog tutorial
The event looper events preferences.
The event looper events preferences.


Select the components used for the detection: MIT:XX:A:DPZ, MOR:XX:A:DPZ, PIL:XX:A:DPZ and STO:XX:00:DPZ.

The event looper components preferences.
The event looper components preferences.


No filters are used. Keep the empty default values.

The event looper filter preferences.
The event looper filter preferences.


Select the whole processing interval. This loads all events of the selected timespan and then iterates them. In case of long looper time spans and a large set of events it is useful to split the time span to process into smaller intervals.

The event looper processing preferences.
The event looper processing preferences.


Select the path to the event_data directory in your tutorial directory structure.

The event looper output preferences.
The event looper output preferences.

Close the event looper preferences dialog.

Configure the processing stack

In the processing stack only the detrend node is used.

Use the default detrend processing node only.
Use the default detrend processing node only.

Close the processing stack preferences dialog.

Configure the export waveform node

We will export the event data in miniseed format with the metadata of the original data files (e.g. serial of the recorder in the station field), but create waveform images using the metadata of the psysmon geometry.


parameter value
file format MSEED
apply geometry unchecked
apply geometry to seismogram checked
The export waveform format preferences.
The export waveform format preferences.


Add 60 seconds before and after the exported event time span.

The export waveform time-span preferences.
The export waveform time-span preferences.


Select the looper output directory to write the exported data to the output directory specified in the event looper.

The export waveform output preferences.
The export waveform output preferences.

Close the export waveform preferences dialog.

Execute the collection

Start the export of the events by clicking the execute button. The waveform data and the seismogram images of the selected events will be written to a directory in the selected event looper output directory.

Check the exported event data

The waveform data is written to a directory structure split up into julian days. For each event a directory is created in the julian day directory. Inside the event directory an image file with the seismogram data and the minissed data in a dedicated directory structure is available.

The selected time span of this tutorial should have resulted in the export of the following two events. One of them is the earthquake with the event start time 2018-10_-25T22:57:31.938750 and event ID 32.

stefan@hausmeister:~/tutorial$ cd psysmon_output/event_data/
stefan@hausmeister:~/tutorial/psysmon_output/event_data$ tree -L 6
└── smi-mr.sm-psysmon-tutorial-export_20220816_112253_384857-event_looper
    ├── execution_metadata.json
    └── waveform
        └── 2018
            └── 298
                ├── event_0000000031_20181025T223705296250
                │   ├── 2018
                │   └── event_0000000031_20181025T223705296250.png
                └── event_0000000032_20181025T225731938750
                    ├── 2018
                    └── event_0000000032_20181025T225731938750.png

8 directories, 3 files

The created seismogram image file should look like the following image.

The seismogram image file of the earthquake event. The grey area highlights the event limits, the red area indicates the detections related to the event.
The seismogram image file of the earthquake event. The grey area highlights the event limits, the red area indicates the detections related to the event.

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If possible, please cite this article using the following form:
Psysmon Documentation, Sonnblick Events, "Event export", Stefan Mertl, 2022-08-27, www.mertl-research.at, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0